Юридичний Навчально Науковий Інститут Права Сумський Державний Університет

A happy journey, graduates!

July 4 on the Faculty of Law was the total graduation from specialization «Jurisprudence».

Jutist university degree were gotten by:

55 junior specialists,

78 bachelors,

29 specialists,

10 masters,

14 graduates got first class honours degree (among them 6 bachelors and 8 specialists).

Among graduates are 6 foreign nationals.

Akso this year faculty of Law realized first graduation of 23 masters in specialization FESM.

Solomnity was attended by four postgraduate students of faculty of Law doctorate who successfully defended master`s theses this year.

From SSU university administration graduates were greeted by pro-rector of scientific-pedagogical work and organization of extracurricular activities – Olena Viktorivna Korol`. Faculty of Law dean, Doctor of Laws Professor Anatoliy Mykhaylovych Kulish wished young jurists worthily bear the title of SSU Faculty of Law graduate and success during the official career. Party was finished by student dean of Faculty of Law Dmytro Horbatenko who together with graduates announced jurist oath.

Regulations disciplines developed in accordance with the “General requirements for the conclusion of the work program of discipline”. In section 2, which defined the general requirements for the conclusion of regulation module-rating system for monitoring and evaluation of the course.

Regulations communicated to the students at the beginning of the semester and during his unchanged!

Regulations remain the departments for which assigned one or other academic disciplines.

Читати далі

В добру путь, випускники!

4 липня на юридичному факультеті відбувся повний випуск зі спеціальності «Правознавство».

Дипломи юриста отримали:

55 молодших спеціалістів,

78 бакалаврів,

29 спеціалістів

10 магістрів.

14 випускників отримали дипломи з відзнакою (з них 6 бакалаврів та 8 спеціалістів).

Серед випускників 6 громадян іноземних держав.

Читати далі

Сумгу – мечта абитуриента

Как сообщило управление образования и науки Сумской областной государственной администрации, наш университет вызвал большой ажиотаж. Так, среди пяти высших учебных заведений области III-IV уровней аккредитации Сумгу принял наибольшее количество заявлений от абитуриентов – более 7 500.

Читати далі