Legal Educational Scientific Institute of Law, Sumy State University

Guest lecture by a foreign teacher

On May 3, a guest lecture by foreign lecturer Cecilia Lundberg, PhD, planning officer and director of the Center at BUP Center Finland, Åbo Akademi University (Turku, Finland) was organized and held for students of the NNI Law.

The lecture was devoted to the sustainable development goals, their content, and their worldwide implementation perspective. The lecturer noted that the Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives and prospects of everyone around the world. Particular attention was paid to the practical work of students in discussing issues about the current state of the implementation of the SDS, the possibility of improving the implementation of the SDGs, and the problems that exist in the countries and are related to the implementation of the SDGs.

  We sincerely thank Cecilia Lundberg for an informative, relevant lecture and interesting practical cases.

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