Legal Educational Scientific Institute of Law, Sumy State University

Academic and Research Institute of Law

The future is about us

Feedback from our students and graduates

During the period of study at the Institute of Law, I mastered a wide range of legal disciplines, among which it is advisable to distinguish both theoretical and methodological and applied disciplines. Since the basis of all jurisprudence are theoretical and methodological disciplines, in the 1st year I became interested in the theory of state and law. Over time, my interest gained an academic basis, which resulted in a number of scientific publications published by me in this area. Scientific activity helped me to understand the further direction of development, which was the introduction to graduate school in order to further study and deepen my theoretical knowledge, and in the future to defend my dissertation.
Choosing a future profession is responsible and difficult. After graduating from school, I was faced with the question "where next?". I decided to enter Sumy State University at the Faculty of Law, and I was right in my choice. The training was very interesting and intense for me. Thank you to the teaching staff for the theoretical basis I received and for the modern approach to the presentation of information. Teachers of the department are very friendly and open to students. Presentations are often used in pairs to interest students. At the Faculty of Law of SSU there is a very special atmosphere, it is nice to just spend time and well-organized not only education but also leisure. And the knowledge and experience I gained here will not be forgotten just like that, they have become a solid foundation in life and career.
Kuvondikova charos

Why you should choose us

  • curricula according to international standards;

  • academic mobility programs;

  • international grant programs;

  • internship abroad;

  • own online learning platforms;

  • lectures from leading industry experts;

  • constant contact with future employers;

  • the possibility of employment during training;

  • individual approach and training schedule


Petropavlivska, 59 40000- zip-cod, Sumy Corps 3


(0542) 66-51-00 (К3-307а) (0542) 66-51-07 (К3-303)